RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Wednesday, October 2

SONG OF THE DAY: Hard Times (kudzu'd)

Last night was the Vice-Presidential debate, and I suffered through about 15 minutes before I decided it was better to go to bed and read Eduardo Galeano. The pain of watching a pair of bland middle manager types try to appear as inoffensive and competent as possible, without any passion or flair, and with heavy heapings of performative realness… it was pretty frustrating. I went to bed thinking maybe it’s time we give up on American politics ever being reformed, or slowly moved anywhere. These folks are so entirely clueless, but cosplaying as authentic souls in a cesspool of elite narcissism and unaware corruption, that there’s no redeeming it. And I don’t even mean that as a revolutionary statement, because whoever succeeds in revolution seemingly just perpetuates the same damn hierarchies eventually. I know so many folks struggling right now, not just economically but psychically, and there’s no acknowledgement by the political infrastructure that these things are tied to far deeper problems with our society than which jackass is at the top of the pyramid scam. As the devastation in Southern Appalachia made wretchedly clear, most of us actual human beings who happened to be born inside these arbitrary borders are secondary to higher interests that are promised to trickle down to us as benefits, but instead rain down with the opposite effect and flood our existence with struggle and misery. These folks position themselves as binaries to each other, when in fact both of them sit on the other end of a spectrum of privilege from the majority of us. And I just can’t give even a tiny fuck about which of the two spoiled brat children gets to win the fight about who jumps on the far end of a see-saw to violently smash the rest of us standing at the other end unsuspectingly on the jaw, and expecting us to hold back our frustrated screams as we bite through our tongue again (and again… and again). These folks don't know actual Hard Times.

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