RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Tuesday, February 7

Wrestling Tanka - Set Five

A black glove clamps tight
to a bloody forehead. The
fans cheer in dismay.

The heel's finisher tempts their
worst nightmares to become truth.
[Cauliflower Alley Cats]
Old workers say they
never watch RAW. Only their
TVs know for sure.

Aged carny hearts will always
patter for one last payday.
[The Bruiser]
Dick the Bruiser could
lick any wimp in the joint;
he drank up his beer.

Shoulders heavy with a chip
might mouth off, no more than once.
Wrestlers want their food;
stone sailing through fast food glass
shatters the night air.

Cops arrive, unaware of
the hefty fight awaiting.
[Captain Redneck]
Dick Murdoch could bump
like a pinball, be a real
goer in the ring.

Legit tough guy laying down
easy for the sake of show.
[Piper Promo]
How did Piper break
that bottle on his own head?
He just did, that's all.

Skills learned in barroom bets don't
need gimmicks nor trickery.
A cuspidor full
of cocaine made the trip to
Puerto Rico nice.

Jacked eyes watch for knife-wielding
fans while biting Colon's head.

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