Here's a guarantee for you - if some rapper, any rapper really, makes a record where they rhyme over top of acoustic guitars, and they rhyme about how great the old days were and about being conscious or some shit, it will be all over NPR and on Spin critics best of year x lists. These are the type of negroes that make white people feel comfortable, which makes white people be able to sit easier with that whole slavery history, not to mention CIA cocaine importation, and injecting prisoners with syphilis and all those other things. They are the academic Uncle Toms.
And if you make one of them a semi-hot chick rapper, then it goes through the roof, because not only does she get to play the academic Uncle Tom roll, but she can also be the hot black subject for the sexual objectification of the small-dicked white intelligentsia, who believe falsely you can get a girl's panties wet by being open-minded.
I'm not sure I'd even consider this a rap record after listening to it a couple of times; it's more like Sesame Street for teenagers.