So my man Embryo Neurofloy aka The PSY-OPSogist started making beats on a robot, which gave me an excuse to be the type of self-important dork who thinks he's got something to say and carries around a notebook to jot down ideas in. We're just about done with our second CD, so I figured I'd shill this first CD to the four people who will see this. It's called At War With Robots and is available for $7.50 thru paypal at solarisearthpipeline(at) Here's the track listings with a slight description of each track...
#1: INTRO (you probably understand how an intro works)
#2: AT WAR WITH ROBOTS (kinda hip hop kinda spoken word style I guess, laying out the whole paranoia of robot technologies)
#3: HEART OF SOUL (there's a link below but on some stupid rapidshare host, so only a few people will probably figure out how to dl it, if it's still there, but it's a good song; I pride myself on coming up with constant good lines, and this is one song where instead of there being a line here or there you think is great, it's full of shit that might hit you different each time you hear it, and you could seriously listen to this song fifty times and still be deciphering shit I say. I'm not trying to be conceited at all, but that's what I strive for in some songs, and this is one of those songs.)
#4: (STATIC INTERLUDE) (robots hijacked shit, so there's static interlude here and there)
#5: BOOGIE JAM '06 (basically, this is stream of conscious thing I did where I cut a wrestling promo on technology, refered to here as The Technocratic Clan)
#6: SHINEFACE SCALPER (this has been the ladies favorite song from those who heard it, mostly because the go-go-ish beat makes you want to dance, and also I have a line, "I'd rather right click a clit and try to make some kids")
#7: ANTI-ROBOT FREESTYLE #73 (a freestyle, but funny shit about robots making me angry and trying to shelter my children from their influences)
#8: HOSPITAL BED (the story of how I woke up in a hospital bed with my hair cut off and a microchip implanted in my head, and the story of my escape)
#9: A MAN SAID (breakbeat interlude by my potna in this S.E.P. shit - the PSY/OPSigist)
#10: HIP HOP AIN'T NOTHING (I do super linguistical indy rapper style to mock indy rappers)
#11: ANTI-MYSELF FREESTYLE #4 (cursing my own alcoholism and how my children are as fucked to be born to me as I was to be born to my dad and he was to his dad, all in freestyle form)
#12: TIME TRAVEL (my favorite off the CD because it's a story and very conceptual; basically, I don't just mention time travel in a song to sound clever, but rather I decide I want to have sex with my wife but the way she looked in '97, so I steal a time machine, go back, realize I have to fight '97 Raven to hook up with '97 Raven's wife, but '97 Raven's wife is sort of sketched out by sketchy '06 Raven, and I ruin my wholesome space time continuum, all by trying to get a piece of ass)
#13: SOME SIMPLE SHIT (explains everything that goes on in my head)
#14: DRANKIN' WINE PT. 2 (a lot of folks who listened to this say this is the best song on it, and I dig the fuck out of it because it's about as real as anything I've ever written about anything anywhere; this song is more me than I am sometimes)
Actually, the download has expired, so fuck it. Probably Neil Young's fault.
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