How the fuck this finished 66th is a testament to how screwed up and non-hipster critic scientifical my mad method was in this thing. When I was in tenth grade, this was the greatest tape ever made, and to this day, you can take five gold mics, stuff them into Benzino and Dave Mays mouths as they engage in anal sex, probably with Benzino on the mount and Mays calling for the split-finger fastball, freeze them and paint them with gold-plated platinum paint, put a couple coats of high gloss polyurethane over that, and give that award to Schoolly D. The man's a motherfuckin' legend. Oddly enough, this is one of the few tapes that I can think of where the second side smokes the first side, although first side has the title track. Second side comes with "Treacherous" - which is probably more in tune with what revolution would sound like than Public Enemy or conscious rapper pussies, "Coqui 900" - which is a motherfuckin' party song and a half, plus the great fun of "Signifying Rapper", "No More Rock N' Roll", and "Same White Bitch (Got You Strung out On Cane)" - which might be the greatest song title ever if you forget that she ain't got no panties on out on the dance floor song.
Schoolly D - I saw you on Space Ghost back in the day so I bet you fuck around on the internet a ton if you did some wacky shit like that, and I bet you google yourself (which makes me sad, because typing "smoke some kill" in google images only came up with like four different places this cover was at, whereas I could type in J.R. Writer and there'd be thousands), and if you come across this, thanks for the music. Shit, I still got that "Another Sign" single on vinyl. And Saturday Night on vinyl. I used to have that Education of a Black Man (or whatever it was called) CD, but I gave it to this dude who used to sell weed for me. He ended up getting convicted for raping both men and women, so I would assume when you say Jesus was a black man after reaching in your pocket, I don't think you were speaking of him. At least I hope not. I'm not religious, but I don't like to think of the major prophet of the most major mindwashing religion in my stupid country being someone who is equal opportunity rapist. Then again, I guess it would make sense.
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