So me and my man Boogie Brown have started tinkering with the music again now, and whipped up a CD - first one we've done in over ten years. Kind of fucked up to think we used to put out 10 song tapes like every other month back in the day, playing house parties and shit. Then we got all hung up with fucked-up women and grew away, but then back together because loungers always end up lounging. Brown used to have a website I think for his homegrown record label, but I think it expired, so I have no idea how you can get this CD through mail or internet, but I know I've got a box full of them in my car to sell out the hatchback. Internet was made for hating shit more than loving shit anyways, so unless we start a myspace page with like naked goth girls or some shit, nobody will care. Here's the track listings with what I think I remember the song meaning...
#1: HALL OF KARMA - intro part lifted heavily from an old tweaked-out Black Oak Arkansas intro thing I used to always use when I fucked around DJing
#2: PROLO REBIRTH INTRO - the for-real intro, outlining the battle between the cleanfaces and dirtyfaces and all that good shit
#3: TRUE LOUNGERS - Brown has gotten into some weird production styles, using very southern club sounding drums but playing live guitar and mandolin and shit over the tracks, and my lyrics have become as much CDB-influenced as ODB-influenced, and this track is a definite sign of that strange mix we've come up with; probably my second favorite song off this CD
#4: PROFESSIONAL LOUNGIN - originally did on his answering machine, I found the lyrics under a pile of records so we actually recorded it correctly, you know, into the condenser mic and shit
#5: EASY RIDER - one of Brown's DJ interludes, which are sadly missing from most hip hop albums; I'd give up all the stupid skits people do just to have DJ tracks again
#6: SHADOW DWELLERS - stream of conscious linguistical song that ain't saying much but sort of is, I guess; shadow dwelling, along with professional lounging, are the two basic tenets of me and Brown's living philosophy, keep your face out of sight from those who don't need to see it so that you can enjoy life on your terms for as much as you are allowed to nowadays
#7: CAN TOSSIN - encouraging people to litter is reprehensible
#8: STEEL WHEEL SCIENCE - the longer DJ interlude, featuring Boogie Brown and DJ Rah-bee doing it is that they do
#9: MIC CONTROL FREESTYLE - most nights, for every song I write and record, I'll do like three freestyles just to get loose or to show my drunken ass at the end of the night; this is one of the better ones from our camper sessions (we recorded this entirely on a 16-track in a lopsided camper in the tall grass behind my house)
#10: SOUTH 15 RIDER - without a doubt this is the most loungin' song I've ever written ever, and it turned out better than anything ever; I can say I'd add this to my list of songs to play at my funeral
#11: STREET PEOPLE - alliance-forming outro
#12: PICNIC TABLE FREESTYLE - but there's always room for one more hilarious ass freestyle
Hi. The S.E.P cds are great, I would like to get a copy of the Prolo - Return of the Loungers cd if thats possible?
I know you're pretty busy to deal with internet/mail stuff but if there is a way i can order (paypal) id like to hear this.
My buddy Brown deals with this completely, and I'll get an address at some point in the next two weeks.
Glad you enjoyed the other shit.
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