This was a pretty shitty issue, but I dug the early cover. A lot of this issue was shit I stole from other zines, in true zine fashion, but there was this one thing called 2nd Unemployed Friday about drinking beer with my dad, who's dead and gone now...
"I quit my job and I was down at my Mom's crib making a Wu-Tang mix tape for a white boy friend of mine, when my Dad called and said he was coming by to borrow my mom's jackstands and drink a couple of beers with me. I stopped making the tape and went out back shooting ball about the time he would show up because I was less of a nigger in his eyes shooting ball than listening to Wu-Tang. He showed up, we sat around drinking beer, listening to the local country station, with open lines, and I swear to Allah, some guy called in talking about how his 15 year old daughter was getting screwed by some older dude. The DJ told him to tell the cops, and the guy said, 'I would, but he's in with the law,' and this pissed my Dad off, the fuckin' law that is. He said a bunch of other funny shit, my dad that is, but I had done drunk a 12-pack already and it's 2 hours later and I can't remember none of it except for the guy calling the radio station. But I do recall my Dad hating his current wife (not my Ma Dukes) for siding with the pigs while watching Cops on TV, and really liking the new Travis Tritt song on the radio station."
I find it amusing how people think I'm some sort of internet gimmick, and I've definitely played that shit up so the nerds could get their comic book lingerie wadded up over it, but I'm very thankful for my mother's influence in my life. Had she not been there, I would've most likely been a real piece of shit. A perfectly happy piece of shit, but a piece of shit nonetheless.
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