This to me, and I may be one of the few, is one of the all-time great motherfuckin' drunken not-give-a-fuck classics of hip hop. Everybody was either so gangsta or so smooth at this point, and here comes Psycho Les, Juju, and that other dude I can't remember right now (fuck google searching, you probably know that shit anyways, and if you don't, it's not important), they were crazy with a touch of humor and did their own beats which were the sickest horn blast shit you could imagine, even at a time when it seemed Premier and Pete Rock had locked down horn-based beats. Haha, I said locked down. "Psycho Dwarf" is the greatest rock-n-roll song of the '90s, in my opinion, and if you've never heard it, then fuck you silly bitch, why don't you go download some Modest Mouse or John Mayer or some other sensitive whiny bullshit and leave the rock-n-roll to the grown folks who like tall cans and fat joints and stealing looks at big titties almost hanging out one of those fucked-up Indian lady blouses. If you download it, it's not like you're gonna actually suddenly be the type to go out and fuck, drink some beer, and smoke some shit; you'll just listen to it and think, with a Woody Allen voice, or maybe like Rep. Clay Davis, "Hey, this is some neat shit. The Beatnuts have always been great. I think I'll go drink two or three Rolling Rocks tonight." Fuckin' bitches.
1 comment:
Wasnt his name Fashion...i think?
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