I used to be on Keith Murray's jock, because he introduced me to the word "beautifullest" which is the perfect collection of letters to describe how I always felt inside. And he would rhyme about dumb shit like pouring forties on his cereal and riding around in spaceships getting high, but it was more connected to reality than crazy Kool Keith style stuff. (Man, indy rock dudes love some Kool Keith. I used to put hippies at the top of my personal contempt list, but I think the last couple of years have showed just how played out most hippie stereotypes are, and how comedically dumbassed indy rock dudes. Too bad Mr. Show isn't still on, because I bet David Cross would be great at making fun of guys like David Cross.) This single is an okay single, and was in that point of time where Erick Sermon decided he was a famous producer and he could just kind of coast through Zapp samples and fill his fat pockets with money. Again, the gem on this is the B-side posse track, with Busta Rhymes joining up with the Def Squad or Hit Squad or whichever squad Erick Sermon got custody of when EPMD started standing for Erick & Parrish Made Divorce, so you've got pre-MTV TRL Busta getting wild like he was known for, plus Redman's goofy ass, plus Keith Murray's Long Island scientifical linguisticals, plus the token Erick Sermon verse since he was the father figure of this motley crew, and to top it all off a roughneck verse from Jamal of Illegal, after he had hit puberty and sounded like he was one of them types that would rob you of your car when you cruised through the block looking to buy a bag of weed. It's too bad Illegal split up, because Jamal and Malik both sounded fuckin' awesome in their late teens and were solo, as opposed to when they were the "gangsta Kriss Kross" bullshit they were at first on Rowdy Records.
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