This is the last issue of Punk Planet ever, and I can’t say I’m disappointed. My kids got me a subscription to it (meaning my wife did) and man does Punk Planet really suck. They talk about how the times changed which made them not able to keep going on, but fuck, in the last three or four issues, they’ve had multiple transgender bullshit articles. This one had an article on the growing “transgender media”. What the fuck? I do not give a fuck about transgender politics. I don’t give a fuck about most politics, but I can see how people get overdone with certain things, like killing babies or killing arabs or killing killers and shit like that. But transgender politics? There are women and there are men, and when we have an entire sub-culture of people who are surgically and emotionally between the only two things you can be born as, then we are some fucked-up ass people. Makes me glad I don’t live around PC punks anymore, with their damn vegan pot lucks for homeless people and shit.
I guess I get some other dumb shit magazine now in exchange for them closing shop, which is a good gesture, because usually magazines just disappear and don’t tell you shit. (What’s up Elemental? What’s up Ozone?) I guess I could look through their back issues and probably find something worth getting for an interview with some backpacker term paper rapper, or I could just get some vegan cookbook with crudely drawn comics inside it or some shit. Fucking punks. They should work a shitty job for real in their life for like six months and see how punk they feel at the end of the day. Fuck a activism after stacking bricks with spics for nine hours, it’s Miller time.
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