This was from the free bin outside the library, and I got it for the feature story about how fucked up NBC’s To Catch a Predator really was. But I got the bonus half-assed article of how boxing is dead and Oscar de la Hoya is holding onto olden times. Anyways, I love media coverage of how sleazily full of shit To Catch a Predator is, because you can tell from the way he acts concerned and talks that that Chris Hansen dude is cut from the same sleazeball exploiter of common people fears cloth that Geraldo and John Stossel and them types are. Well, this story laid out how shit was fucked in the one episode they did from Texas, where they used a bumbling local police group that had no backing from the county’s district attorney’s office, and mostly relied on the “police” work of that Perverted Justice band of internet dudes with fake names. (Lance Von Erck… you know that dude has molested some children.) Therefore, when it came time to actually convict these “predators”, not one of them were even charged with a crime because actual police work was not used and the shit wouldn’t hold up in front of a grand jury, much less before an actual criminal court. To top that off, one dude killed himself when he never went to meet the fake kid and then Dateline forced the local P.D. to get a search warrant, only to show up early to confront the guy, which led to the guy killing himself. There are those who’ve wondered whether he was really into kids or not, but whatever, the facts of the matter are he had never done anything with anyone, pretty much if he had been a pervert, he stifled it his whole life while working as an assistant district attorney himself in rural Texas. All very fucked-up.
The thing is, if a dude is a pervert, but he represses it, is that a crime? Should he be publicly shamed? I mean, I’m not down with that type of thinking, but I’ve always wondered, mostly because of a couple of shut-in seeming virgins who I’ve encountered who are obsessed with how hilarious this show is, if a large part of the To Catch a Predator fanbase is not just made up of people who have similar perversions and use the show to make themselves feel better about not being personally empowered enough to act on their sexual urges. Then again, if they were personally empowered enough, they might not feel the inferiority needed to want to have sex with an underage boy (so as to seem more sexually powerful to someone else than they feel to themselves).
Of course, To Catch a Predator is a sleazy operation using the guise of sleazy perverts to get themselves some TV ratings. Of course this is true. And most likely, Esquire, since it is a magazine designed for the demographic of self-important white dudes, is using this to make the show seem lowbrow (which it is) so that they can sleazily increase the ad power of their stupid fancy watch and custom suit advertisers. Basically, everything involved, except for me, is sleazy, except with each passing minute I spend online, sleazy cybertrons clog my own personal neurons, making me one step closer to turning this into a hirsute Hispanic saggy titty blog.
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