This is probably even gayer than the state glasses, but somehow I got stuck on buying stupid diecast cars (1/64 variety, or regular Hot Wheels/Matchbox size) because I have a shelf in the camper I do my stupid nonsense inside of that 27 cars could stretch across. I initially was gonna leave it at 27, but I got up to like 35, and some good ones got left out, so I figured I'd make a shelf to display 100 total. But that seems mad homo, so I was gonna do two rows of 27 and just toss the losers from that 54 car roster into the sandbox for the kids to play with. But then I found rolls of velcro (both parts) in my truck and starting sticking them to parts of the camper on the inside. Now I don't technically own this camper, so the fact I've graffitoed up a bunch of the doors and started taping cars to the ceiling is probably not good, at least whenever the old gypsy lady comes back for this thing, which is already pinned in by two piles of trash, and I broke the door off so it kind of leans against the thing too. Whatever.
Anyways, in my searching, I went from normal Hot Wheels to those stupid $3 or $4 specialty cars (Johnny Lightning be bringing the best shit), which is espensfical as fuck. And I can't sign off on the fact I've done this, and am currently not searching (but that's mostly because I've kinda figured out that shit runs on seasons like real cars and there ain't nothing to buy right now I haven't already seen), but one good thing came out of it all. When I was a kid around six, we were about to move into a new house my grandpa has built for us, and our old house was a piece of shit cinderblock house full of mice and snakes and just sucked. It has a big old tub sealed in on the front side but there were two holes on the back side because it was a clawhammer deal that they tiled in on the frontside. I had me a General Lee that I was playing with in the tub, running from a cop car I had, and wouldn't you know, General Lee got out of my soaped up hands doing a spin through the curves of the tub and went slap behind the tub in one of them holes. Moms used a yard stick like crazy, but couldn't fish it out, and it was gone. We moved. I never had a stupid General Lee car again until about a month ago. That motherfucker is velcro'd sideways on a trailer vent right above my head right now. If I could embed that horn sound in this post, I'd do it, but I'd have to google it to figure it out, and it probably wouldn't load up right anyways. That's why the Dukes of Hazzard was great - they did their stunts for real (well not the actors, but real stuntmen did it), not no CGI faggotry. If you're gonna wreck a car, wreck it; if you're gonna blow up a building, blow it up; if you're gonna shoot the head off a chicken, shoot the head off a chicken. That's what I say.
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