(1992, Estrus Records)
When I was running my stupid confederatemack.com website back in the day, a lot of things happened. But what probably made me giddiest inside was when this chick (who ended up marrying a friend of mines) passed along contact info and I got to do my goofy 23 Questions with the Semi-Famous with the dude who played drums in The Mummies. I can’t remember if it was my old roommate Ten Dollar David or my man Boogie Brown that first played me a Mummies 7-inch, but it was good shit, because garage rock hadn’t been overdone ridiculous at that point. Plus, the whole wrapping themselves in mummy fashion and riding around in a shitty Hearse, it put them over the top of all the wack-ass fuckers that would appear after all the Back From the Grave collections from Crypt Records started getting more circulated.
This record is a collection of their earlier 7-inches and motherfucking great. I would like to give you more specifics and all that hooha, but it is 34 degrees and icy raining outside and I am feeling good in my bootleg mesh Michael Jordan with the Bulls fake practice gym shorts and am going to walk out on the porch where the beer is stored and yell out “FOOD! SICKLES! AND GIRLS! FOOD! SICKLES! AND GIRLS!” until the cold sneaks past the Yuenglings in my bloodstream, and I run back inside, probably stubbing my naked toe on one of the screws working its way back out the porch boards.
Also, even though I don’t actually own it (and I’m not even sure if I ever did or just lived with someone who did), there is no better 7-inch cover ever than the one to The Mummies “Welcome to Shitsville” 7-inch. And fuck you if you disagree.
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