Animal fighting is a lost cause in 2010 because people are all about animal rights or animal feelings or whatever it is that makes them feel better about animals than they do about people. But having had chickens in a crew of 11, with two roosters, really, there's nothing more beautiful than them flexing their neck mullet feathers and flapping their wings at each other in a sign of BACK OFF like Yosemite Sam mudflaps. My ameracauanana rooster is not alpha enough to have put up a fight with the buff orpington one, so they've not gotten into actual scraps. But the way they flaunt themselves then fly to attack, spinning in mid-air, I can only imagine it's a beautiful thing to watch. The thing I don't understand is why did dudes start duct-taping switchblade-like gaffs to the legs of fighting chickens? I mean, I guess it's to make the fight quicker, but it seems to me that you could have a couple of alpha male game roosters flap and fly at each other, and after a few rounds, you'd have a good idea of who was winning. Fuck it, have judges. They don't have to stab each other up for our enjoyment, do they? Haven't we come beyond that? In fact, haven't we come beyond common knee-jerk reactions as well? Can't we just let chickens fight like they'd want to, as it naturally comes to them, and not make it a gory affair, nor make it seem like we molesting children in the process? Well, in 2010, I'm gonna turn my back pen into a rooster pen and get them to fighting the way nature intended for them to fight - slowly and over a long period of time until one of them eventually gives up and succumbs the alpha position with the available hens.
It is sad that you can't even joke about animal bullshit anymore. I had somebody get upset with me because I was raising pigs for meat. What the fuck else am I gonna do with them? By the time they're full size, they'll be eating like $10 of food a day. The government doesn't even give my family of five $10 a day in food stamps, and we're below the poverty line. Not for long though. Like my proud buff orpington Dixie, I'm shaking my neck feathers and flapping my way back up the socioeconomic ladder. Hopefully, I will make enough money that I can send back to Nigeria for a second Ibo wife. But that is a goal for the 2011, not 2010. Much naira to be made in America, is there no?
I really like that idea. The actual process of watching roosters fight would be a lot more fun that was I would think. I picture it being a little more chill, like throwing horseshoes, drinking beer, listening to music and every now and then somebody yelling “hey, the roosters are about to fight again – everyone come watch ”. Then you could watch their flurry of aggression for a bit, then go back to what you were doing until the next caidre. I agree that the metal implements attached to the chicken feet should be saved for big grudge matches, or if one rooster is about to leave your pen and you need a blow off to the feud.
I can tell you from having roosters, their neck feathers look like mullets, and when they fluff them out in alpha male fashion at each other, flapping their wings, and then twist their neck in prep for a crow, that's some perfect bullshit.
If this is RM in IL, what's up man. I tried to shoot you an email to an old email account last week. Hope all is going good.
Being quite the connoisseur of cock fighting, I will have to take video of my upcoming adventures in the motherland showing my family's flock of prize winning fighting chickens. If you're lucky, I will snag a spare set of practice gloves for your roosters to cover their spurs to prevent any injury during any potential training that may occur.
no shit, for real? there was a big cockfighting ring nearby but the police made them sell it all off after the Mike Vick bust made it so they couldn't turn a blind eye anymore. I never got invited to see it before it was gone. Just like every rose has its thorn...
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