I know nothing but being an ugly broke ass. I was raised that way, and can escape it no better than Pigpen can escape his dust clouds on Charlie Brown. But my children have a better outlook on life. My kids are told they will definitely go to college. My daughters take ballet a few hours a week. They have knowledge of a larger world already. So my goal is to make it so my grandkids can improve upon that.
Let's face it, nobody gets rich, like for-real rich. You are born with it, or you are not. Sure, you can struggle and work hard and think up something stupid that everybody loves and make lots of money, but the truly wealthy are born truly wealthy. All the hard work in the world is not going to make me truly wealthy. But all the hard work in my lazy ass bones if motivated correctly (probably with a newspaper clipping on the mirror ala Rocky) can make me have more money, which can lay the groundwork for my children to maybe make the same parlay for an even better starting point for their kids. And then if everything breaks right, maybe one of those grandkids can hit the trifecta and actually break towards being truly wealthy.
But it's a Darwinistic process. I've got three kids, so you've gotta figure one of them will be the successful one, one will be the fuck-up, and the other will be the middle ground. The fuck-up's kids will probably be my most fun grandchildren, the ones that like to go fishing and won't tell grandma that grandpa was drinking a beer bottle on the ride home, but they won't be the ones to pull off the trifecta, mostly because whichever kid is the fuck-up will have fumbled the second step already. And the successful one's kids will all have a good chance to make the trifecta, but probably the successful one will have less kids because she's all busy successfullizing herself. But those kids, however few of them there are, have a shot. And the middle one, she'll probably have more kids than the successful one, as well as a good relationship with that sister, so her kids and the successful one's kids will probably roll tight. I think it's in that pack that the best hope for the trifecta towards becoming truly wealthy with my accursed last name lies.
You would think I could have more children to increase the odds, but in actuality, poor people have more children than wealthy people, so if I was to have another kid, I'd be screwing up all my children's chances for helping make this progress, and instead of one successful one, one fuck up, and one middle ground, adding a fourth would probably make two fuck ups, one middle ground, and one borderline successful/middle ground kid. Add another and it gets even worse. We have friends who have like 9 kids and I don't see how it can work. I also don't see how them old-timey families with 19 kids who all worked their way into outer space and invented Juicy Fruit bubblegum and shit like that could be true in today's world. Things got harder once there was television, and all the games and cable programs and DVD players and internet machines that this eventually entailed. We have doomed ourselves, with our own technologies, just like Socrates promised.
... and if by some horrible chance all three are fun loving fuck-ups?
what would your kids do with all that white people money anyways? have a Lexus and fridges full of Perrier and closets full of American Eagle?
Best people I've known are poor as dirt motherfuckers, but I ain't got no P.h.d. or any other certification so what the fuck do I know? Gettin' high and taking naps, 'bout it actually.
i got no problem if they choose simple, in fact I'd be proud, but I was born simple and I'm also proud I give them the choice to be complicated as fuck if they so desire
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