Edie was the originator of making music that caused the blood to rush to my soul penis. I was a freak hippie drug experimentational delinquent retard back in the day, and that "What I Am" song fit the bill, as I was young enough still to be naive and not worldly enough to think I was too cool. That was some good shit for the time. You can't make simple assed pseudo-philosophical garbage white people funk like that anymore because with the world wide interwebs, nobody is allowed to be that naive and unworldly anymore. Kinda sad that such simpleness isn't possible, but every other 14-year-old in America has seen that two girls, one cup shit by now. Makes me sad, and want to read the Koran, intensely on both counts.
It's also been weird to me, back to the Edie Brickell listing, that she married old ass Paul Simon. I kind of think in my brain that Paul Simon lives in New York on the same block as Woody Allen and Billy Joel and like 300 other indistinguishable white dudes like that who know their bullshit Euro heritage of Jewish or Ukrainian or whatever to try and distinguish themselves from the wealthy white clutter they really are, and it made me sad Edie Brickell disappeared into that life, baking key lime pies with that China doll Woody Allen took from his ex-wife. Also seems fucked up to New Bohemians (who didn't have a "the" with their band name) because they got left high and dry. Whatever though. Back in the day when Edie would hit that weird hip girl twang on shit like "What I Am" or "Ghost of a Dog", it would make me want to live a long life with her, raising kids and hanging white dresses on the clothesline, ugly ass mutt dogs flopped here and there, and the grass always so green.
Crazy, Edit is "only" 43 years old, still youthful by my standards, and Paul is almost 70 (and looks about 90)...damn, that does suck...
When "What I am" first came out I felt much like you, what a nice simple song. It should be listed in the "militant agnostic" rules of order under "I don't know and you don't either". (lol) However, now that I'm an "Old Frent", I think the lyrics are much deeper than we realized. The phrase "Choke(?) me in the shallow water before I get too deep" may mean the writer really did have an inking of the veiled meaning. I also agree she was so hot back then it was incredible.
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