There is nothing attractive about Lucinda Williams in a sexual sense. She is a haggard-looking woman who drinks too much. Yet at her best, which for me (and most dork critical types) is Car Wheels on a Gravel Road, she puts in me a strong desire to share a queen bed in a shitty hotel for a holiday weekend along a road that used to be a main thoroughfare before Eisenhower built the stupid interstate system. We would drink beer and play Spades or maybe some dice and have lots of sex, sometimes sweet and sometimes nasty, looking for multi-orgasmic stretches of sexes. And we'd end up fighting, probably over something stupid like how I didn't talk to her right in front of the checkout dude at the Food Lion or something.
I heard Lucinda Williams on an NPR show this week, and she's crazy, you can tell by her tone of voice. And now that she's apparently found love and doesn't drink like she once did, her songs sound basically like shitty bar music. The thing that made her great when she was great was how it was pure drunken angel music, perfect for shitty bars where people don't even know that a term called "" exists, or why it would have a chunk of punctuation in the middle of it, and now that seems to have faded. But she's a critical success, so she can live off her past. And man, I used to love her, a whole lot, before I even saw her two-packs-a-day face in a magazine article.
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I couldn't have said it better myself.
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