Sharon Jones can sing like a motherfucker, and is crazy as hell. Apparently, there's a female ODB aspect to her in real life, which makes sense because how else could she be so damned awesome if she wasn't a drunkard or had too many concussions or something to warp her into perfection. When it comes to sanging, she's the best, and it was always bothersome to my cracker ass that Amy Winehouse got pushed so hard as a musically talented scrawny tattooed white chick, with Sharon Jones band backing her up, while Sharon Jones was just sitting around in relative obscurity the whole time. Is our music industry that goddamned superficial that it decided to pass on a crazy 40-something black chick from Brooklyn who can sing her ass off to make a few extra dollars off of a younger white woman who could have her junkie arms and black eyes airbrushed away long enough to sell a bunch of records and get a Grammy or two? It's always sad to realize music hasn't been about music for a few decades now.
Oh well, I shall cue up "This Land is Your Land" by Sharon Jones and pretend we don't all collectively suck.
Ah, a technicality perhaps, but didn't Sharon Jones get you to love her with her powerful, sexual awesomeness? She didn't really trick you like that whore, Jewel.
they are all trickerous beasts man
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