Holy fuck, I didn’t think I’d learn anything that would make me even less distrustful of these long-term career politicians, but in looking up this John Dingell dude who has represented the area of Michigan that encompasses the southwestern suburbs of Detroit, Ann Arbor, and over to the western part of Dearborn, I discovered that John Dingell Jr. won a special election, all the way back in 1955, assuming office on December 13, 1955. The election was special because someone had to fill the seat vacated by the death of John David Dingell the Senior, who had held that seat in the house since 1930, when the fucking thing was created. There has been some gerrymandering along the way, as the 15th became the 16th, with Dingell never losing the spot, and then it moved back to the 15th as the midwest started to decline in population. But how the fuck do you have an allegedly freedom-loving choice-driven multi-party system (yeah, I know, two ain’t much more choice than one) have the same fucking family hold down an important elected officials spot in a patriarchical order for 80 fucking years? EIGHTY FUCKING YEARS!
Dingell, as would be expected being from outside Detroit, has heavy ties to the automotive industry, and also, to his credit, loves both guns and abortion. There aren’t enough gun-loving, abortion-loving elected fuckers in my opinion. Dingell also was instrumental in the ‘80s at clouding the issue of the American government creating the AIDS virus, by disputing the claims of Robert Gallo of the National Institute of Health for having discovered the AIDS virus. Instead, as the story goes, through Congressional inquiry, it was suggested the it actually was “discovered” by the Institut Pasteur and a Dr. Luc Montagnier in France. And though in a shuffling of House control between Demolicans and Republicrats in 1995, the final report got lost and buried in the transition, the public questioning of the origin of discovering the AIDS virus moved the origin of the AIDS virus away from the NIH here in America. Who else could spearhead such a seemingly trivial clarification that would ultimately work greatly as a smoke and mirror device other than the guy who’s been inside the mahogany doors of Congress since six years before our current President the honorable Barack Hussein Obama was even born?
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