The most striking thing about Pete Stark is how creepy and forced he looks when smiling in photo ops. Dude has seen some things behind closed doors, things that good rum don't erase. Stark took office on January 3, 1973, meaning he's been in Congress for about a month longer than I've been alive on this stupid Earth. His history is straight up white success - born in the midwest, graduated from M.I.T., served in the armed forces, did post-grad schooling at California-Berserkeley, and loved it so much he stayed. There he founded a banking business that blew the fuck up into a huge company (how do you found a bank anyways? just have a lot of money?) and he parlayed that into a life of making laws for the rest of us stupid asses.
California's Lucky 13th is situated mostly in Alameda County, a wealthy and highly diverse county that leans heavily Democratic flavor of the two-headed monster, and thus Pete Stark can get away with things like publicly proclaiming his atheism and talking shit about George Bush wanting to kill people for his own amusement on the House floor. But the best thing Pete Stark ever did, and what makes him slightly more tolerable than the rest of these assholes that he's just like anyways, is some soldier wrote him a letter back in 2004 regarding Stark's vote against the war in Iraq, and usually you'd not expect anything more than a form email response or some bullshit like that. But Stark actually broke off a call to the dude and left an angry voicemail for the guy that included, "But probably somebody put you up to this, and I'm not sure who it was, but I doubt if you could spell half the words in the letter, and somebody wrote it for you. So I don't pay much attention to it. But I'll call you back later and let you tell me more about why you think you're such a great goddamn hero." In the relatively low standards of our American career politicians, that's some drunken fury we've rarely seen in the last century of our stagnant bureaucracy.
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