Well, this will be the House of Representatives version of the longest-serving elected fuckfaces in America list I did for the U.S. Senate as a 7-list, and really what more can I say to explain it other than be like why the fuck do we just appoint these guys for life and not care anymore? It seems like it'd be easier to remain a Representative than a Senator because you are from a smaller district, and it's a harder nut to crack (a much more elite exclusive club), but still, seems weird guys get elected and then everybody just keeps voting for them because they are like, "Well, I know this guy because he's the guy already and I never heard of this other guy, so fuck it, same guy it is."
You may say to yourself, "Yeah, complain and bitch and complain and gripe. What are your solutions Raven Mack, Mr. Standard Internet Know-it-all Blowhard?" Well, I'm glad you think that, and I'll use this opportunity to lay out my plan for term limiting these assholes and making it more exciting for our 21st century massive masses mindstates. First off, being an elected official becomes a three-tier process, with the Presidency on top, Senate at the second level, and the House being the entry level. You have the same requirements as now to be a U.S. Representative, and you can run for re-election one time, but that's it, maxing you out in the House at four years. From there, you can run for the Senate. In fact, only former Representatives can run for Senate, and only from the state they were a representative in. None of this buying a house in New York dual statehood Hillary Clinton bullshit. Senators serve six-year terms instead of two, and would not be allowed to ever run for re-election, ever. This would make the whole Senior/Junior Senator structure from states more important because the dude who's been Senator for four years already could show the dude who just got sworn in the ropes a little, but there'd be a hand-off, and no one would be so entrenched in the Senate that they'd become too powerful. Like instead of guys becoming committee heads because they've been a Senator since 1975, they'd have to select the most appropriate members of the Senate from the dudes who are in the last two years of their term. I don't think any benefits of knowing the way Washington politics works makes it okay to have guys just stay on forever.
Finally, in order to run for President, you should be a former Senator, which most Presidential candidates are anyways. I know state Governors often run and win, pretending to be a Washington outsider, and I guess there could be allowances for that inclusion in the Presidential race, but I'd rather it just be Senators to be honest with you. Because then you could reframe the whole November election time every even numbered year as a November Madness style thing where it's a free-for-all of former famous Representative running for Senate, and former famous Senators running for President. And my favorite part of this proposed system is, at the maximum level, if you are one of tha best (ideally) and rare few who become President, you serve for 18 years (because of course Presidents can still get re-elected one time). More likely though, you max out after your Senatorial term at 10 years. And even more likely, you don't even get elected Senator, since in many states many many many former Representatives would be battling it out for one of the two elusive Senate seats, you serve four years as a House member if you're lucky. And I think if you have a steady cycle of fresh know-it-all wealthy assholes, we are all more likely to benefit than having a pretty much set group of stale know-it-all wealthy assholes making our legislative rules. And who knows, maybe we'd run out of rich people and great Americans like balding black guys missing two teeth who work as a janitor at a major university or greybearded white guys in trucker hats who have never heard the term "trucker hats" with forearm tattoos could become our elected officials. Plus short cherub Mexican-American women who have overseen the raising of 6 children and 19 (and counting) grandchildren in a single rented house with the front side painted orange. Then, and only then, could we get down to making this a better country.
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