In June, J.J. Krupert went to Las Vegas, and he learned various things. It is a land there where everything is a facade where they not only engineer the look and sound but the smells with piped in aromas that attach to your emotions. I was lucky enough to be ultra-aware of these things and avoid their pitfalls. J.J. Krupert realized that all those ugly fucking MMA t-shirts you see in magazines, the people that actually where those all live out there. It is a fairly embarrassing city to walk through and look around at others that would be associated with you in much of the world's mind. I thought it would be a good place for Al Qaeda to open a recruitment office, but J.J. Krupert thought that was not so kosher a thing to think. But he's been listening to a lot of Pakistani hashish jazz lately, pretending the Arab world is this great mecca of unblemished creativity. Oddly enough, at the same time, I work with an Egyptian guy, who teaches me things like how they had stone rockets and all early science was stolen from that part of the world by the crusaders.
Relatedly, J.J. Krupert and myself found a place called Ellis Island Casino right off the strip where they had cheap ass microbrew which all flavors tasted like swill beer with different food coloring in it, and a cigar smoke hung in the air that dated back to the '70s, and all the sad sacks of Las Vegas, who lived there, for a month or a year or a lifetime, came in and got as close to the Strip as they felt comfortable with, and it was a great place. We sat outside where there was a pile of coals and a chicano dude cooking chicken halves and we each had a half of barbecue chicken with homemade cole slaw and some baked beans and plenty of bread to sop with and plenty of $1.50 microbrews to sip on and it was a good heartwarming thing, soulwarming even.
It was while eating there that I started ranting about how science is its own religion, and they believe their own tenets and expect the rest of the world to go along for the ride with blind belief as well. But J.J. Krupert dropped how science is still ruled by moral codes - ethics - in what it deems appropriate to study and not to study. Yet it is going against the blind belief of religion. Thus, science is inherently dysfunctional. It made sense to me. It was Las Vegas, so we had wanted to do some hallucinogens in honor of Oscar Zeta Acosta the great Brown Buffalo who once roamed that godless void, but thank god we didn't find any. Hallucinating in Las Vegas would have been hell, a literal and painful hell. We did dip our fingernails in some diprivan or whatever that milky shit that Michael Jackson overdosed on is called, because I found a few bottles of it at work.
The theme to June's J.J. Krupert is altered mentalities fighting to be the truth in a clouded as fuck dude's brain. And being the J.J. Krupert is purely retard math with very specific parameters in place already, there really is no specific theme set out upon the table before the list is calculated. It just sort of cooks up that way, like life. Everything goes the way it's supposed to if you let it.
FIRST UP: Perhaps the strangest and darkest song ever to be The Hip Hop Jam of its day, in drugged out remix form to make it even stranger and darker!
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