A dude I was in second grade with who played second base on my first ever little league team where I played centerfield (and rocked the pure blonde shaggy hair like a Bad News Bear, because kids still had blonde hair back then since there wasn’t so much fluoride in the public drinking water), he moved away, and we both grew up and did our things, but his thing ended up being some wacky world music with electronic influence DJ living in Brooklyn like three billion other hipster people ended up congregating upon. He made a mix of songs, including a couple of his own, and his worldwide megamix was good shit, yes indeed, like anything I’d find inside the internets where there’s some stuff I love and some stuff I could care less about and it’s all mixed together but it’s all MP3s that get cobbled together into a disorderly fashion on my desktop Itunes into a complete fucking mess because that’s the only way I can handle moving through life, with chaos and clutter and debt. Yets, my old world chaos, wanting a simpler bullshit life, hopefully pockmarked with as much idle time to imbibe my mind’s obsessions as it is with smallpox and plague, is better than new world order. My clutter is a creative junkman feng shui, and when done right gives me power. The trick is to burn the house down or move every 8 years or so, to keep it from taking over. And fuck it, mired in debt means I’m still not starving and still not dead and still not living in a trash heap (well, that one could depend on perspective) and not starving to fucking death, not even to dying. My slow death is a mental torture, and god blessed are those who have enough leisure in their life to pretend their complete mental happiness is the top order of the day.
Well, old school second grade second baseman DJ Brad Loving hooked up this megamix, and one song in particular became the greatest song I had ever heard in my whole cursed yet blessed life, and it was this song. I played in five thousand times over a month, annoyed my wife, got my oldest child to like it then hate it and made my youngest children dance to it when all they wanted to hear was “Jump Around” by House of Pain fourteen times in a row with a couple Taylor Swift songs mixed in the middle somewhere. So now I share with you. And DJ Brad Loving’s site is some wacky name, like elephantsandbeer or flightandmorningtime or something, but you could probably google him and find it. Actually it’s birdandwhale.com I think, and normally I would make a little bracketed part here to remind myself to insert the hypalink, and then forget to pay attention to the bracket, so the post would look all stupid. Or stupider. If you want to find it, you can. This is the internet; you know how shit works by now.
STEAL "It's Alright In The City"
NEXT UP: Oh man, me and Jim Croce!
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