The beginning of the September countdown of the J.J. Krupert gaypod listings is a watermark event in the life of my gaypod adventures, as through the trickle-down technocomics of my family, we inherited a new family computer to replace the one with a fan constantly leaning against the back half of it to keep it cooled it down and not crashing from heat stress. Plus I got a laptop related to my top secret real life work, thus the old gaytunes libraries were straight dumped, I dug out the milk crate full of CDs, moved over what I could, and stoled anything else deemed important from inside the interwebs again. But this October list is the last one done from the old gaytunes library, meaning some great songs that had been plugging along and almost getting onto the J.J. Krupert list lost out when everything was reset back to 0. People like Roach Gigz, and plus I can’t find the collection of Casual youtube freestyles that I used to rock all the time again inside the interwebz. The fucking internet… this thing is really one of the most overrated devices around. It pretends to have everything and know everything but really it’s just a bunch of dumb shit to help you waste your life.
Anyways, in my real life, the month of September meant the start of a new season of youth soccer. It meant I briefly quit drinking. It meant football took up far too much of my Sundays. It meant I no longer had to put off cutting the grass because the grass won’t growing no more. It meant one last day trip to the beach to feel the cleansing powers of salted water. It meant a ton of other things I could list out and think up, but you know how that works. But September is a great transitionary month, from summer idle hands or hard-working hands or just outside constantly to fall where yeah it’s nice outside but it’s also getting cold at night and you cuddle under an extra blanket and think about making butternut squash soup with hunks of pork floating around in it.
So let us begin the September J.J. Krupert Gaypod countdown of most played songs on my stupid 2gb silver shuffle.
FIRST UP: The scariest rap group ever!
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