ARMCHAIR LINEBACKER is a football blog that me and some dudes started a few years ago and it has really gotten good in recent weeks, so if you are into NFL football or even if you're not really, it's worth a check out. This week, I liveblogged the Redskins win over the Eagles, metaphysically recapped the game, talked about Ryan Torain and Clinton Portis, and wrote an incredibly fucked thing about the Packers game this weekend.
And then there is this book here to your left that I have a wonderful short story inside the middle of that you could buy. I just got my check for it in the mail this week and had to throw it in the bank because the electric bill check was gonna bounce. That's it. Nothing glorious. I made an early morning run to the night deposit box at my bank in Short Pump to keep from bouncing a check for the fucking electricity. Short story payment glamour over, counting the full tank of gas and hazelnut Wawa coffee I got on the ride back to work. Some days, I want to walk on water; other days, I want to fellate handguns.
Semi-related to that book is this new blog that started up that I am part of called Ampheta'Zine. Basically the dude who plugged me up at Huffington Post got shelved at Huffington Post for what he wrote in his next article, so he started his own bullshit.
Also, while I'm hyping up a bunch of dumb shit I'm involved with, I remembered the Prolo myspace page, which has a bunch of country ass rap songs me and my boy Boogie Brown did that you can listen at. It is something, and I am stoked that it was done. I've been meaning to plug my USB turntable/flea market 4-track/$15 microphone into my new computer and lay down some warbled tracks over the 68 beats I have from Boogie Brown that I've never done nothing with. But hey, only 24 hours in a day, and this goddamned real life gets in the way, cockblocking my creative offspring too goddamned much. Fuck it. Life is life.
Oh yeah, should hopefully have some Rojonekku shirts in limited edition for sells by the end of the month. If you know you will pay like $20 for a Rojonekku t-shirt, post a comment about what size you be wearing preferably, because the edition is gonna be limited as fuck.
Okay, I'll be a total girl here. What's the cut of the shirt? Are they men's sizes? If so I can probably do a medium, and you better fucking save me one. I'll totally milf it out and wear to my next PTA thing.
yeah men's shirts I thought but we may do a few chick cuts as well. I gotta talk to my t-shirt dude. I was contemplating doing men's shirts first, then something else in winter, then come springtime totally working up a slutty chick cut tank top rojonekku shirt.
XXL. I would gladly fork over $20 in return for all the free entertainment...and a shirt.
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