There are those rare moments, if you are open to them, where you realize you have been living a fake life, surrounded by fake people with fake issues, listening to fake sounds to occupy your falsely free moments, writing fake words for fake eyeballs. They come regularly if you are an overly introspective paranoid like myself, and often times they come and go. You shrug off normal habits and routines for a few days, fake steps towards finding what’s really you again. But then there are times when you know as the false lights of civilization hit the angle of your slurred mind just right, and you saw the snakes everywhere slithering around just beyond your vision, including the mirror, that’s when you have to be like, “Fuck this world.” If you don’t, when it hits that solid soul moment when it’s reality tapping through the haze and saying, “Hey motherfucker, I am still here, no matter how hazy it gets. You want to get down or walk through the haze with the rest of these assholes?” If you don’t do it then, then you die with a lot of wasted fucking effort into carving that dash between the born and died dates on your gravestone.
STEAL “#5”
NEXT UP: Jheri curl rap!
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