[Trash Culture Anthropology series are me doing whatever the fuck it is I do. These are supported by the Patreon I have set up. Feel free to contribute, but don’t feel obligated in order to read further. Thank you to my four patrons.]

Attaching this project to the President Trump era is
fatiguing, because this era is fatiguing. I think that would be the case
regardless of who was elected, but Trump definitely compounds the disinterest.
Both parties now seem to be synchronized to constant manufacturing of outrage
to their base of smart marks, and social media and 24-hour news cycles of
digital world enable that perfectly. Thus, I’ve got (like many) psychic adrenal
fatigue. (Is there a psychic gland like adrenal? Is that what pineal is supposed
to be? Whatever it is, mine feels over-taxed.) On top of this, the real world
is starting to function with an internet foundation, meaning people are
treating the real world as they would the internet, thus any sense of
separation between IRL “in real life” and the digital version of yourself is
quickly being blurred (fogged).
Exhibit to this effect: a few weeks back my eldest kid
turned 18, and we were going to celebrate by the whole family (my ol’ lady, me,
the three kids) all meeting up at her favorite Indian restaurant downtown
Charlottesville for lunch. She has long community college day on Mondays (which
it was), and I’m gainfully employed and shit, so I caught the free bus over,
she was driving over on break, and the ol’ lady was bringing the other two kids
along. After standing around waiting forever, my wife and the two youngest
showed up, visibly bothered. You see, there is a “free speech” wall on the
downtown pedestrian mall in Charlottesville where you can write shit in chalk,
and in passing they had witnessed writing in big bold letters “THANKS ICE” in
support of immigration enforcement. The ol’ lady thought this was bullshit, so
wrote above or around or something some added commentary about fascism or
whatever, but this triggered some old dude into coming over and asking if he
could make a comment on her comment. She told him no, he insisted, and at some
point attempted to speak directly to my 9-year-old daughter about what she was
writing separately from this whole thing, talking around my wife. This of
course caused my wife to yell at the dude and rail on him in public.
As my wife was relaying all this info to me, another lady
stopped by with her stroller – strangers to us – and told my wife how in the
right she was for yelling at that fucker, and telling my daughter, “Don’t let
people like that bother you, or scare you, because they are on their way out.”
And my 9-year-old was kinda shook by the whole thing, to be honest, not in any
over the top way, but why was this old fuckin’ dude she ain’t know trying to
tell her how her mom was wrong?
Well, Indian restaurant was closed on Mondays, so I couldn’t
go for the ride to another restaurant for lunch because I had to get back to
work, but lucky for me (and the quickly grown chip on my shoulder) the bus
station was right by the free speech wall. So I went that way, saw the “THANKS
ICE” post, and wrote directly above it how they were enforcing fascism or some
momentarily clever bullshit like that. You know, a meme, but IRL. Then I went
and chilled 20 feet away.
I saw the obvious perpetrator of thanking ICE – an old
fucker with corn syrup pear belly of eating more than enough but hunger never
satisfied. (This is partially due to our current food sciences, but also
partially due to dominant spirit of his type of people.) I was texting my wife,
because I could see the guy looking at what I wrote, but then also looking at
me and sizing up whether this was a discussion he should have or not, what with
me looking the way I looked. For the self-alpha like him (which makes up an
obese chunk of Trump’s most vocal support), it is easy to go correct college
kids or women or children or those who look easily dominated, but you have to
pick your battles with people above that. I mean, it’s easy to call people cucks
and snowflakes online, but the real world lacks a logout button if shit gets
Just as I thought the old fucker wasn’t gonna come over, he
came over, and said, “Do you mind if I make a comment on your comment?” He
decided to login.
“Actually yeah I do, because I just came from talking to my
9-year-old daughter, who was upset because some grown man was trying to talk
around her mom to tell her what to think about something…” and this was just
the beginning of a fairly pointless back-and-forth (like the internet, but in
real life). But I did feel it important to make it clear that I was an old
school fucker from small southern town, and he was out of line, and legal or
not, I was willing to let him know that. These fuckers always go to the “But
freedom of speech is legal” or some sort of defense hiding behind the law, all
while complaining about how government has of recent tradition been entirely
corrupt. In fact, at one point after he said he goes by the law, I laughed and
was like, “You trust the government? Really?” This of course caused conflict in
his belief systems – to distrust the government while using the law as a basis
for defense of his public assholery, and we sort of came to the impasse that we
weren’t quite sure whether my belief to act on what’s right and wrong
(regardless of legal backing) or his faith in the law (regardless of government
corruption) was gonna back down first.
It was at this point in our pointless discussion (like the
internet), that he insinuated there was more going on with my wife in their
encounter than I was aware, suggesting she was either at fault in starting the
situation or wasn’t being entirely honest with me. “If we wasn’t in a public
space, you would’ve just caught one upside your head,” I said. “No you wouldn’t
have,” he said, in the obvious goading response of the troll. And though the
blur between online and real life should’ve been more clear to me, his natural
troll nature became so obvious at that point, there was no longer any chance of
violence on my end, because that would’ve just affirmed him in his trollness,
and he would’ve pressed charges and tried to get the news story about “angry
liberal punches old guy at free speech wall” trending on whatever dumbass
message boards he posts on.
“Do you got a wife?” I asked him.
“That’s none of your business.” Obviously a sore spot.
“Yeah, well it was none of your business what my kid was
writing when you tried to correct her around her mother, was it?” And then any
point he went to his standard troll talking points, I just asked again, “Do you
got a wife?” Finally he said, “I will tell you I have two daughters, both
“Yeah, well I got three daughters, and I gotta raise them in
a predatory ass world. And you – a complete stranger of an old man who they
never met or know, tried to talk around my wife to my 9-year-old daughter. In
this predatory ass world.”
Old fucker’s face turned a little, not much but enough he
did apologize for that, saying he shouldn’t have addressed my daughter, but
goddamn, it almost took fisticuffs and a goddamned 17-minute version of Yung
Uncle Jesse from the Dukes of Hazzard type performing Socratic method on his
old upper middle class bourgeoisie brainwashed white male ass to get to that
point. And if I wasn’t a big bearded ass regarded-as-white dude, I probably
wouldn’t have been given half that conversation. I don’t know.
But that’s the level of discourse, all around. Trump
Presidency is a symptom of larger cultural issues, not just the abominable act
which requires resistance.
Wait, this is about Smoky Mountain Wrestling, right? Yeah,
it is. You see, Trump acts as if he is working for the crowd of a Smoky
Mountain Wrestling show, as if he has the inherent goodness of heart of
Commissioner Bob Armstrong (or any face authority figure from any small
southern wrestling promotion), but in actuality Trump is WWE – corporate-based
performative folksiness. It’s the same corruption as ever, just less nuanced
and without all the education to launder the corruption behind intelligent
The entire month of March 1992 Smoky Mountain Wrestling was
taped in Knoxville, Tennessee. Now Knoxville has the added benefit of the
University of Tennessee to keep it plugging along even as economic struggle
started to metastasize in the smaller towns within driving distance. And to
hear Trump talk, this began very precisely around 2008, and can easily be
solved. But in real world actuality, a lot of what started choking the small
towns was occurring in the 1980s, under the de-regulation era of Ronald Reagan.
This was when America started making the move from bonafide small businesses to
corporate models, where suburbs – which had been sprawling in death spirals
around major metropolises for decades, started to become the double dropkick
along with big box store clusters in commercial centers, which not only
continued to kill cities (but make way for gentrification!) but also pull the
most valuable human resources away from all the small towns, to leave them
dying worse than before. (This is all trash culture anthropological theory… I
have no second-tier degree or shit like that, BUT I READ A LOT MOTHERFUCKER!)
Perhaps the perfect example of this would be Wal-Mart, which expanded at
aggressive rate into newer markets, priced out the smaller businesses which were
already in place, until it had lockdown on the retail market, and could
fluctuate prices as it saw fit, all while keep wages deflated (and without much
benefit). Believe it or not, this is EXACTLY how Vince McMahon took over the
wrestling industry around that same era. As Vince McMahon choked out the
smaller businesses, he’d still bring WWE around for spot big show or occasional
house show to the major markets, so places like Knoxville, or Richmond, VA,
(where I grew up near) would still get a wrestling show, albeit very
sporadically, and generally nothing more than a glorified merchandise stand
with little actual relative wrestling narrative involved. (Noted in advance:
wrestling has always been a business, just looking to sell shit, but the older
model at least engaged the local marks to a more involved level than just
coming around once or twice a year and counting on people being excited to see
famous folks live.)
The difference is obvious – the old model had weekly shows
in Knoxville (or monthly in Richmond, for little nasty dirtgod watching TV in
his localized life), but the new corporate wrestling model came around rarely,
as it pleased, to skim cash off the remaining wrestling fans.
Obviously, Jim Cornette had been burned by that with the WCW
version of corporate wrestling which had attempted to be the Pepsi to Vince
McMahon’s Coca-Cola. So this was a big influence on Cornette running Smoky
Mountain Wrestling, perhaps naively hoping that the old way of things wasn’t
completely dead already.
In people’s minds, it’s not. And that is why Trump has been
so successful in convincing people he’s all about Making America Great Again,
even though he lives in an apartment literally plated in gold.
In these dying towns, the talk of jobs played well because,
well, jobs are kinda shitty nowadays. Even when Obama (and Bush before him, and
now Trump too) touted how high employment rates were and how many jobs were
created, those not deep inside the bubble (most of us) knew that these were
mostly shitty jobs. Even the good ones are shitty compared to what a good job
meant 30 years ago. None of us are going to work 35 years at the same place and
get a gold watch when we retire. NONE OF US.
The myth of meritocracy still plays hard though, and due to
this, if you are someone of any reasonable amount of talent or potential, and
you are from some shithole like an hour and ten minutes out of Knoxville or
Richmond, you are going to end up leaving home to get one of those good jobs.
(Trust me, I know, firsthand knowledge on this one.) This depletes all these
little hometowns into a cycle of diminishing returns. And those who are left,
as the economic opportunities become even sparser, are told, “Well, if you want
to succeed, then maybe get more education and move to where the job
opportunities are.” Move up the pyramid behind the meritocracy myth.
(Oddly, in 1992 as this month of Smoky Mountain was airing,
Bill Clinton was taking the lead in the Democratic primaries, which led to him
being able to ride a post-Soviet, unchallenged world, to usher in the very age
of global neo-liberalism we still have all the powerful progressive fuckfaces
trying to shove down our throats. They pass “free trade” agreements which
benefitted employers but not employees. Corporations outsourced and off-shored
as much as they could, because it was okay now. There was no (hashtag)
resistance to stop it.
Not so oddly, most of these dying hometowns have seen the
hypocrisy in that model when it comes to keeping local small town lives stable,
and those folks didn’t exactly jump out their late model hoopties to go vote
for Bill Clinton’s better half.)
Here’s the thing about small towns and/or rural life – not
everybody gives a fuck about moving to the top of the economic pyramid. Here’s
the thing about small businesses, too – not all of them are motivated by
franchising and expanding and becoming the Wal-Mart of whatever the fuck it is
they do. Many people are simply motivated to build simple but stable lives –
nothing more, nothing less. They are America’s version of jobbers, and they
want nothing more necessarily, and there’s not a goddamned thing wrong with

Smoky Mountain TV example A from March 1992: Barry Horowitz.
Horowitz was a career jobber, who enhanced the talent in WWE when it was WWF,
in WCW when it was owned by Turner, and even though he had trickled down to SMW
at this stage in his career, he was content to remain a jobber. It’s what he
did. He performed as a wrestler well enough to validate whoever he was
wrestling, but never took enough shine to himself to let ego cause him to
demand more. He was, by all appearances, happy in his role.
Smoky Mountain TV example B from March 1992: Hustler Rip
Rogers. Rogers had been a prominent wrestler in some earlier territories, but
in SMW he was essentially glorified jobber. But Rip Rogers the real life man
was a noted fitness freak, who had been workout pals with Macho Man Randy
Savage back in the day, feeding each other into competitive frenzy of physique
and stamina building. But where Savage was bound for bigger and better things,
Rogers remained Hustler Rip Rogers, who never broke into the big time.
But you couldn’t deny his fitness. In fact, one episode of
this month’s run of Knoxville tapings exemplified that fact, and also helped do
what a jobber is supposed to do – make somebody else look better than they
actually are. You see, Tim Horner was being booked as the hometown babyface and
trying to receive an upper-level star push in early SMW. The one thing working
hardest against this was the fact Tim Horner was about as exciting as watching
deck wood cure, and on the mic cut promos that didn’t help a fucking lick. He
was kinda horrible to be honest.

So in episode 6 of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, Hustler Rip
Rogers is out early in the program, bragging about how fit he is, how he could
do squats for days. He was challenged on this by Horner, so promised he’d do
squats the entire hour TV show, without stopping, and they bet on it. Easy
money for the Hustler. So throughout the entire hour-long program, Bob Caudle
and Dutch Mantell check back in on Rip Rogers from time to time, and he’s just
squatting along, using a steel chair back to do so. Nothing to it. As we get to
the end of the show, Tim Horner comes back out, after having dealt and heard
Rogers’ shit talking the whole hour, is watching him do his squats, asks Bob
Caudle how much time is left, and as Caudle goes to check his watch on the
announcer’s desk, kicks Rogers’ chair out so Rogers falls to the ground. Horner
wins the bet (though he cheated), Rogers looks like a dick (despite being as
fit as he claimed), and everybody’s happy. The crowd is behind Horner, because
honestly fuck Rip Rogers. He’s too cocky, and wears pink.
(At the same time, getting a heel push was Hollywood Bob
Holly, who also wore pink, considered himself above the Smoky Mountain locals
because he was a movie star and dated Julia Roberts, and condescended to
everyone in sight. Jim Cornette’s own team – the Heavenly Bodies – had not even
shown their faces yet on TV at this point, despite multiple vignettes in March,
where they were always swarmed over by adoring women who had never seen such
attractive men in these Smoky Mountains. The crowd had been booked as born
losers, obviously, in these instances, and unfortunately for the crowd, one is
usually booked in a way that at least partially resembles who they really are.)

This set up a rematch the following week between Horner and
Rip Rogers, and Rogers is a great worker – not only in the jobber sense but
also in the smart mark wrestling sense. He performed well, and you could
definitely see similarities betwixt him and Randy Savage. They had a perfectly
wonderful television main event which made the guy who’s not the star seem
competent enough to be on TV in a decent capacity moving forward, and it made
the star guy going over (winning) look good. So when Horner won, the losers in
the crowd see him in a better light. (And fuck man, the camera was scrolling
through some old school ass looking people in the crowd.)

And to see the larger picture, there’s also Smoky Mountain
TV example C from March 1992: The Dirty White Boy, who at this point still
legitimately calls himself The Dirty White Boy (and being this is the partially
chaotic wonderland of the internet still, with the actual Dirty White Boy
classic rock construction crew ready to get drunk on a Thursday afternoon theme
song, not some piped over post-WWE purchase studio pretend theme ripped by Rick
Derringer’s second guitar tech who lives near the overdub studio in
Connecticut). Tony Anthony debuts this month, and there’s nothing about him
that would ever allow one to imagine he’d be a corporate wrestling superstar.
His body shape is very specifically barroom brawler, and his wrestling style is
similar. Yet in a rural-based Southern wrestling promotion, this made perfect
sense, and fit in wonderfully with the east Tennessee local wrestling history.
Of course it made even more sense for him to be the guy who Mr. Ron Wright
takes on to manage to try and get his operations. Tony Anthony remained a top
performer in SMW, and was in fact it’s top heel for many periods of Smoky
Mountain’s existence. Whenever this happens, wherever it happens, eventually
corporate wrestling will come buy the guy out, regardless of whether they can
do anything with them or not. WWE did so with Anthony.
The problem here is Tony Anthony as The Dirty White Boy in
Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky backwaters makes sense. It fits
the target demographic, as a majority of people in attendance are gonna know a
guy like The Dirty White Boy. He was an entirely relatable character. This
perhaps is not so much the case in Boston or Seattle or Anaheim or all the
major arenas that WWE would be more likely to tour. So they have to come up
with some other sort of gimmick for Tony Anthony. So they made him a plumber. A
wrestling plumber. This, of course, failed miserably. (After Anthony was
below-the-radar for a while, he did a get a second run on the WWE stage, as
“Uncle Cletus” the stereotypical rural dimwit manager for the Godwinns, a tag
team who were wrestling hog farmers. Wrestling hog farmers.
But all this speaks to that failed belief that everybody
wants to have a gold-plated house and be King of the World. There are many
places where ambition is directed at a simpler life, with family, perhaps
religion, perhaps fishing, perhaps playing Spades at an old table in the
backyard all Saturday afternoon long. But due to America the government giving
full support to corporate America, much of the off-the-beaten-path places in
this country lost their small economic base. People became inclined to drive 50
minutes to visit the Wal-Mart on a Friday night after payday instead of buying
shit at the seemingly off-brand local stores (like my neighbors across the
road, who also fly two variations of the confederate flag with a spotlight on
them). Local IGAs got replaced by indistinguishable Food Lions. And in the
shadows where Wal-Mart reach didn’t overlap thoroughly, Dollar General plugged
the gaps, so you didn’t have to drive 50 minutes just to get laundry detergent
and a new phone card because your 30 days was up.
So the media pundit consensus is these places all leaned
towards Trump, and they are his people. But much has been made of how many of
these overlooked “flyover” places also leaned Obama previously. Mostly, these
people have been booked as losers for a long time, long enough they’re not
gonna get a fresh push in America as something new. They know they’re losers
now. So they’ll get behind anybody who will get on the mic and call bullshit on
the system. But just as obviously, Trump is more Vince McMahon than any old
school Southern promotion, and all these people are just Tony Anthony to Trump.
They’re not his equal, just trash who’ll sit there and be attentive like you want
them to so long as you say all the right things “which play well in the sticks.”
See? It’s a fucking cliché. “It plays
well in the sticks.” And for now, they’re still sitting there, watching the
show, even though they’ve been booked as losers. But all it’s gonna take is one
large personality in the crowd to throw the first chair at the performers in
the political ring, and the riots will finally break out.
And with that we end our second month of Re-Analyzing Smoky Mountain Wrestling in the Era of President Trump. To paraphrase Bob Caudle, that’s it for this month, and until next month fans, so long for now!
[And consider supporting more online trash culture anthropological ridiculousness like this through my Patreon. I am launching a Patreon-only "podcast" in the next two weeks. Please note: it will not be a normal podcast, so don't expect that stupid shit.]