This is an official dirtgod park bench review. Today
I am reviewing the bench in Belmont Park just to the right of the main entrance
by Druid Avenue, the opposite side from the basketball court, between the
sidewalk entrance and the first trash can walking right. Above in title are the latitude/longitude coordinates. I choose to use the stars for navigation though.

IMMEDIATE LOUNGE-ABILITY: For no real reason other
than to give my 13-year-old time alone at home to secretly listen to god music
on Spotify, I parked my minivan by IX Park, and walked around Belmont, while
drinking a doogh. As I walked up Elliott Avenue towards Avon Street, I thought,
“Oh, I should go do some quality loungin’ in Belmont Park,” but I had finished
my doogh already, and I would obviously need a beverage to occupy my fiddle
hands while bench lounging. Luckily for us all, Brown’s is right there
(Charlottesville’s home to for-real fried chicken… You can literally get a free
piece of chicken with ten gallons of gas on their old ass gas pumps), so I went
it to cop a beverage. They had no mineral waters, though I imagine it won’t be
long, as the strong high credit rating arm of gentrification has ran roughshod
through much of Belmont already, so I got a Deer Park instead. Between Brown’s
and Belmont Park, there appeared to be active gentrification going on, with an
uninhabited house having bushes machete’d by men who appeared like they really
wanted to look like Gogol Bordello but still maintain good employment. But
still, as I walked into Belmont Park, it was chill, there was a crazy kid at
the picnic tables talking numbers really loudly in a potentially troubled way
(which I found soothing to be honest, because let’s face it, the numbers of
this world are troubling if we really get down to it), and I had walked past
strong fried chicken smells to sit down. Leaves were gently McTwisting off the
trees, and single parents were with their kids. The bench itself was metal, but
spacious, and though the metal was cool in the autumnal air, there were
unpainted spots from sanding, either by actual proliferation of constant parade
of human asses, or perhaps the city did it to remove graffiti lacking in
conventional approval. I do not know, but the imperfection of the bench was
comforting, because I myself am fairly imperfect, and thus I fit well sitting
there. Immediate Lounge-ability was a 17 (out of 23 possible).
RIPPLES OF AMBIANCE: In the distance before me was
Carter’s Mountain, plus a pretty nice sky, and the undulating foothill bosoms
of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and being Charlottesville is foothills itself, the
basketball court was shielded from my view but the goal was not, and some kid
(I assume) was throwing some insane looking multi-neon colored ballish thing up
into the goal over and over, and it looked like it surged from the
well-manicured Earth itself. I could see where Monticello Avenue goes downhill
and splits into four-lanes to become Scottsville Road and shoot under the
interstate, and little ant-like cars were driving over there on that little bit
of Monticello Avenue, and that’s a chunk of asphalt I go down, and how often
did someone sit here at this very bench and see a distant microcosmic Raven
Mack zip by, inundated with my unseen insanities, which ultimately mean nothing
when viewed from that distance? Behind me, at the house where things were being
made progressive, I could hear white people white people-ing, but it was easy
to ignore with Earth titties laid bare before my eyes. Ripples of Ambiance was
a 19 (out of 23 possible).
CULTURE OF BENCH: Belmont itself was a working
class neighborhood, which is the nice way of saying regular people lived there,
who then became poor people as capitalism began to fail us all, and now are
being replaced by wealthier people. The process of gentrification is happening
all over. Where I parked – IX Art Park – was a wacky urban park next to the
projects where they had big graffiti murals and concerts and it was free, but
then they just tore out one mural to make way for a giant microbrewery place in
the warehouse space, and also there is word the property taxes will now be
enforced which means it can’t be a free art park so much, and there are hipster
businesses galore but no one from the projects is ever there, nor does it feel
welcoming to POCs or poors and most definitely not to anyone who is both of
those things.
Belmont Park itself has existed for nearly a
century, so there is deep lounge baked into the grounds there. A crack
distribution ring got busted there a number of years back, which let’s be
honest, that’s usually a sign of quality all day lounging going on if people
are selling drugs at a park. Even now, post-gentrification, if it is warm and
you sit at Belmont Park, you’re gonna see a lot of chill comings and goings. Me
and my boy Deric played dominoes there a couple of times, and it made perfect sense.
But that sort of forces the issue on discussing gentrification as a philosophy –
if people have put in the time and labor to make a place chill, don’t they
deserve to not be property-valued out of that power zone of lounge? It is
easily conceivable that someone would open a “farm-to-table southern cuisine”
restaurant in the abandoned warehouse formerly known as IX Art Park, but would
their fried chicken ever compare to Brown’s? Of course, the clientele for a
farm-to-table southern cuisine sit-down restaurant would tsk-tsk at the idea of
getting gas where you get your chicken, thus would not be as excited as normal
folks about getting a free fucking piece of chicken with 10-gallon gas
purchase. Belmont, and Belmont Park has a strong culture of bench, but also we
are talking about where the townies lived that were looked down upon by Thomas
Jefferson from his Monticello perch, and on the opposite side of the small city
from where he built his much-revered University of Virginia. People who are
forced into the shadows of more impressive psychic statures tend to learn the
survival skills of the lounger, and create sanctuary in that shade. The
flipside of that is eventually the more impressive psychic statures, which also
have more impressive ability to be approved for loans, start coming in, calling
in for more space. By consuming sanctuary, they mistakenly believe they have
built it. Culture is cultivated, slowly, over years (and generations), until
the microflora of chill permeates even the ugliness. You cannot hack that away
with your good credit machete, and keep what you like while running off the undesired
uglies. Your privileged machete kills the culture that is there, a symbiotic
one that cannot be parted out like code inside a robot.
Thus I feel the culture of bench at this
particular bench is deep, but endangered. I’m not sure how you protect
metaphysical truths like that, because the law is more about words and most of
those words are written in English which is a great language of conquest and
exploitation, so we may be at a loss here. But for now, Culture of Bench rates
as a 14 (out of 23), scaled down due to instability of that culture in current
socio-economic trends at neighborhood (and city) level.
TOTAL SCORE: 50 (out of possible 69). Not a bad
bench at all. I’m likely to return, probably more than once, and it’s a bench
fitting for daily lounges, should one desire such a thing (which they should, in my opinion).