RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.

Saturday, September 21

SONG OF THE DAY: Didn't I (kudzu'd)

Just another mark in the declining American Empire, far more lolligagged than locked in, stumbling my way with everybody else towards the thicc Earth's edge. Trying to escape the house full of clutter by finding things that ain't already in it to stuff in on top of what is there, instead of figuring out how to heal the hollow void in my heart. My metaphysical muscles make first a lot of the time, but thus far, that ain't filled the hole, and in fact has created more from me punching the drywall of my soul in times of intense frustration. I should disappear into the woods more often, and sit by the white birches and let them stare into me like an MRI, and give me a proper diagnosis. But I chase distractions instead, because that's how I been learned to do.

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