I don’t know, I don’t really have anything clever to say, it’s a nice day and I’m trying to stop pretending to work so I can go sit outside… great day to blast cumbia rebajadas around a trash barrel fire. I hope wherever you are in life, your neighbors aren’t assholes.
RAVEN MACK is a mystic poet-philosopher-artist of the Greater Appalachian unorthodox tradition. He does have an amazing PATREON, but also *normal* ARTIST WEBSITE too.
Tuesday, February 25
Sunday, February 23
Just a little Sunday hobo throwback track, because even if the world falls apart, you can hopefully still walk away and disappear. They can never cancel the right to disappear from civilization.
Thursday, February 20
This is a song from South Africa, put out in 1976, so it's technically not about Cool Disco Dan, infamous DC graffiti legend. But also it is. The Legend of Cool Disco Dan documentary is available on those free streaming platforms, and doesn't seem to be on Internet Archive yet. Not sure where you can download it for safekeeping once the internet is purposefully crashed. Watch it while you can to get some inspiration for scribbling messages around town.
Label Labyrinth:
cybertron battles,
Krupert's jukebox,
Mother Africa,
survival tipz 4U
Wednesday, February 19
SONG OF THE DAY: Train Leaves Here This Morning
There is, in fact, no more trains running from here on a daily basis. You’re gonna have to drive 45 minutes away to catch a train, and it doesn’t leave there tomorrow morning. They only run every other day and not on Sundays. They don’t sell tickets there either, you have to buy them online. Good luck though!
Label Labyrinth:
a life full of Sundays,
cybertron battles,
Krupert's jukebox
Tuesday, February 18
SONG OF THE DAY: Cumberland Gap
As a kid growing up, I called them butter beans, but somewhere along the way it became lima beans. There’s a lot of weird little things about the way I talked that got shamed out of me over the years, which I’ve realized was usually class-based shit that got projected on me from others (and felt pretty heavy). But it’s also weird because if I say “butter beans” today, it feels performative; like, I’ve lost the natural inclination to call them tasty little legumes by that name. And when I look at that as one thread, and start pulling at it, unraveling the sweater of my current existence, well, it kinda fucks me up. So I am going to fry up some chicken gizzards and eat them with butter beans tonight, and some leftover rice and mustard greens I have too. And I will set a single fried chicken gizzard and butter bean out in the back yard for the ancestors. I know they’ve been lurking lately because a lot of tricksterism has been happening, which is usually a sign I need to be listening to them better. Probably they’re mad because I talk so funny now.
Friday, February 7
SONG OF THE DAY: Nobody's Clown (Payaso Version)
I have a theory that Trump surviving his assassination attempt in Pennsylvania actually was divine intervention, but reverse psychology from what his cultists believe. If he had died that day, all the idiocy underlying what is happening now as the United States is being dismantled would have made a martyr of him and it would’ve further justified the illogical foundations of what they want to do. As it stands, he survived, and now the self-important idiots are smashing through DC like the Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull in an antique store, and it also turns out that all you had to do to overturn the Constitution is just decide it didn’t matter. I mean, I never would’ve argued with that, which is part I was so frustrated with folks who felt like “checks and balances” actually meant shit. So many people will get hurt unnecessarily as these idiots pretend they know what’s best, including many of the cultists and constituents who propped their congressional support up. It’ll be too late (and in fact already is in terms of checks and balances). But, the idiocy in charge is not smart enough to stay on top of everything and not have a whole bunch of gathered angry people wanting to set fire to them, and that day will come, sooner or later, and these idiots will be known as idiots for a couple generations, which wouldn’t have happened if Trump had got hit that day.
The cruelty of it all fills me with anger, and I senselessly want to fight someone today. And the reality is we have entered an era where words put in public will be held against you, not in the pretend cancel culture way they claim caused so much trouble, but the real cancel culture of fascists shitheads, who will accumulate enough marks on a person’s list of strikes against them, and folks like you and me will get an all expenses paid disappearance to the new Club Guantanamo or the one the crypto President in El Salvador said he was willing to build. Oh well. Fuck these devils, I won’t be one with them and I ain’t gonna do shit they want me to.
The cruelty of it all fills me with anger, and I senselessly want to fight someone today. And the reality is we have entered an era where words put in public will be held against you, not in the pretend cancel culture way they claim caused so much trouble, but the real cancel culture of fascists shitheads, who will accumulate enough marks on a person’s list of strikes against them, and folks like you and me will get an all expenses paid disappearance to the new Club Guantanamo or the one the crypto President in El Salvador said he was willing to build. Oh well. Fuck these devils, I won’t be one with them and I ain’t gonna do shit they want me to.
Wednesday, February 5
SONG OF THE DAY: I Get Lifted (kudzu'd)
This has been one of my favorite slowed 45s the past few months, and to be honest, I just love Latimore as an entity. That dude just has a wild aura about him. So I knew I had to find some good imagery to steal from the internet’s vast innards to put behind this one. An old Soviet cartoon did the trick, and good lord does this one line up so beautifully throughout. It’s magic, and I own none of the intellectual property… I just mash it together with slight effects and cook this shit up as my contribution to the culture that is digital mash-up of everything that ever existed before. The 45s on 33 playlist on youtube of videos I’ve made over the years is getting close to 400. That’s a lot of damn foolish ass videos like this. So get lifted.
Label Labyrinth:
45s on 33,
Krupert's jukebox,
kudzu and honeysuckle,
the Power of Lounge
Tuesday, February 4
SONG OF THE DAY: The Message (kudzu'd)
“Don’t push me, I’m close to the edge,” skipping and repeating should be the national anthem.
Monday, February 3
SONG OF THE DAY: Don't Stop Believing (kudzu'd)
The illusion of democracy is gone and we live in a technofeudal state post-coup. You may not think that’s the case, and you might still believe in the exceptionalism of America, but when it’s all said and done, the date in the history books for when this started will be from before today. So it’s not still yet to arrive… it’s already here. Adjust your plans accordingly.
And if you believe in a God that wants you to treat other human beings in cruel and heartless ways, you’re either interpreting the text in a strange way, or your God has lost their way.
And if you believe in a God that wants you to treat other human beings in cruel and heartless ways, you’re either interpreting the text in a strange way, or your God has lost their way.
Label Labyrinth:
45s on 33,
cybertron battles,
Krupert's jukebox,
kudzu and honeysuckle,
TechnoFeudalism 2025
Saturday, February 1
SONG OF THE DAY: I've Got Bills To Pay
Hoping to go to the discount shopping store today to stock up on giant sacks of flour and rice. Kinda funny right now because the consumer identity preppers aren’t really prepping, because they feel like President Musk and his old orange puppet are the culmination of what they hoped for. But shit’s already gotten insane the past two weeks (half the country afraid they gonna lose their jobs, planes falling out the sky, cruel executive orders telling people they shouldn’t exist), and it’s only going to get worse. And there are no guardrails actually. We were always taught there were guardrails, but who knew all it took was somebody to come along and say, “Nah, that’s cool. I’m just gonna do whatever the fuck I want.”
And while, if you’re paying attention to all this stuff in real time, it’s very scary, people throughout history around the world also still just live their lives. Many other places in the world have gone through this, and the exception of America we were all taught isn’t true. People can put their head down, exist through chaos, and if necessary stand up in large crowds and yell, “This is too damn much.” I’d suggest stocking up on food, because prices are about to get crazy, and supply chains are about to be broken. And I’d also say plan on standing outside somewhere with a bunch of people, yelling, “Fuck you, make me.”
And while, if you’re paying attention to all this stuff in real time, it’s very scary, people throughout history around the world also still just live their lives. Many other places in the world have gone through this, and the exception of America we were all taught isn’t true. People can put their head down, exist through chaos, and if necessary stand up in large crowds and yell, “This is too damn much.” I’d suggest stocking up on food, because prices are about to get crazy, and supply chains are about to be broken. And I’d also say plan on standing outside somewhere with a bunch of people, yelling, “Fuck you, make me.”
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